It's Been Spring

It took forever for March and April to come, now it’s May. Spring cleanups, cohort’s for economic and business improvements, and planning for local book events. Spring has sprung. Been as busy as a Bee.

This is the time of year that I can see which plants are becoming invasive. So what is an invasive plant? An invasive species is an introduced, nonnative organism (disease, parasite, plant, or animal) that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and that has the potential to cause harm to the environment, the economy, or to human health.

Spring is a good time to maintain some sort of balance and order in the garden. Ironically, there is an invasive way of marketing that keeps trying to take over my mental garden. TikTok. Balancing my time on social media is hard. Business sense would move me to get my book in front of thousands if not millions of people. Tik Tok would be the way to go. But at what cost? If I’m already not balanced with my social media intake using Instagram, it would make no sense to add more on.

In all actuality, I want to get off Instagram. Social media has proved itself to be detrimental for me in so many ways. Even though it's exposed me to a lot of beautiful and creative things, I wish for the days when I could sit down and read a book completely. Not constanly being bombarded with being shown want I should want. So yeah, social media, it's an invasive species. At times when weeding out invasive species, some of the good plants may die because they're too intertwined with the bad. Even though I may be sacrificing possible exposure and potential clients by not utilizing TikTok, there would be a balance in my garden.

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